With no weekly math quiz on Friday and with spring term break, I took advantage of the time off to visit Scranton (PA) from the 3rd to the 5th of March! For those that haven’t watched the Office, it follows a branch of a paper company based in Scranton. Although my friends had advised me that there was not much to do in Scranton, as an avid Office fan I decided to go anyway. I had a great time, and Scranton was one of the coolest places I’ve visited in the US!
❄️ Snow ❄️
Whilst snow is nothing out of the usual in Pennsylvania, it unfortunately didn’t snow in Philly this winter (other than a few small smatterings). As an Australian that barely sees snow, I was thrilled to wake up to the remnants of the night’s snowfall in my first full day in Scranton. It was beautiful, but unfortunately my socks didn’t survive a long day of walking through the icy streets.

🏢 Office Site Seeing 🍕
Whilst the Office TV show was not actually filmed in Scranton (it was filmed in Los Angeles), many Scranton references made it into the show. Of course I had to visit these references in person! Here are some of the ones I visited:
Scranton Welcomes You Sign
(Opening credits)

Penn Paper Tower
(Opening credits)

Coopers Seafood
(S3E7, S3E8, S3E23, S4E5/6, S5E3, S6E14)

Steamtown Mall
(S2E18, S3E22, S5E26)

Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe
Not to be confused with Pizza by Alfredo…
(S4E1/2, S4E5/6, S6E15)

🐟 Other Scranton Sightseeing 🚋
Some other things I got up to:
Electric City Aquarium and Reptile Den
The photo on the left is of a glass frog.

Trolley Museum

Steamtown National Historic Site
(Train Museum)